The investigators head to rural Dunwich, where the Mi-Go are rumored to be gathering to summon Ithaqua the windwalker, yet again to freeze another town and conduct their mysterious mining operations. Investigators must stop the cult of Ithaqua from raising him or the city of Dunwich will be destroyed by his icy breath.
Boards in play: Arkham & Dunwich
Ancient One: Ithaqua the Wendigo
Cultist powers: All cultists eat the flesh of their victims adding 2 to their toughness
Special rules: Mi-Go and Byakee are considered cultists and also have +2 to their toughness. Also, any investigator who loses a battle to a cultist, Mi-Go, or Byakee is carried off and sacrificed to Ithaqua (that character is devoured).
Helpers: Madeline Rammstein is on the board to help out in Dunwich and Hypnos is in play to add clue tokens.
Investigators: Dexter Drake, Leo Anderson, Mike McGlenn, and Norman Withers.
Victory achieved by closing six gates.
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