Thursday, January 27, 2011

Innsmouth Conspiracy Exposed

The party is investigating rumors that the cult of Dagon and Mother Hydra in Innsmouth is trying to raise Cthulhu. Ursula, Norman, Leo, and Mike thwart Dagon by rescuing the investigator Outback Jack who has a statue of Cthulhu that Dagon was planning to use in a ritual to raise the high priest of Rlyeh.

They also gather enough intel to summon the feds to raid Innsmouth and then close all of the gates in Arkham and Innsmouth, preventing the great old one Cthulhu from rising. Rumors are that Dagon was trying to raise Cthulhu to thwart some plot by Prince Hotep, a powerful occult figure in Kingsport.

They strike off to investigate further.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dunwich Saved from Ithaqua's Icy Grasp

The investigators head to rural Dunwich, where the Mi-Go are rumored to be gathering to summon Ithaqua the windwalker, yet again to freeze another town and conduct their mysterious mining operations. Investigators must stop the cult of Ithaqua from raising him or the city of Dunwich will be destroyed by his icy breath.

Boards in play: Arkham & Dunwich
Ancient One: Ithaqua the Wendigo
Cultist powers: All cultists eat the flesh of their victims adding 2 to their toughness
Special rules: Mi-Go and Byakee are considered cultists and also have +2 to their toughness. Also, any investigator who loses a battle to a cultist, Mi-Go, or Byakee is carried off and sacrificed to Ithaqua (that character is devoured).
Helpers: Madeline Rammstein is on the board to help out in Dunwich and Hypnos is in play to add clue tokens.

Investigators: Dexter Drake, Leo Anderson, Mike McGlenn, and Norman Withers.
Victory achieved by closing six gates.

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Fraternal Order of Chaugnar Faugn

Mike McGlenn the gangster, Leo the expedition leader, Urusula the explorer, Drake the magician, and Jenny the dilletante explore arkham after learning about a sinister plot.

Detective Toni Laurotzi returned from Arkham with a strange statue of an elephant headed god named Chaugnar Faugn. Since then, the fraternal order of police have been meeting secretly and arresting people. Those who are arrested are never seen again, rumored to be sacrificed to a dark god.

The investigators save Arkham from the threat, defeating Toni and his cultists and banishing the great old one to another world.

Boards Played: Basic Game Board
Players: 5
Ancient One: Chaugnar Faugn
Difficulty: Start with 2 clues on every unstable location
Victory: Sealed 6 gates with elder signs

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Horror in the Himalayas

Sadie, Outback Jack, Father Jonas, and Sister Agatha travel with the rest of the party to Kathmandu in Nepal. There they leave the rest of their friends behind and visit a local inn to talk to the locals. They learn that there is a monastery abandoned by the local monks because the mi-go have attacked and taken it over with a great metal ship.

They talk to an expedition of men from America, but are brushed off. Sadie tries to sweet-talk them, but they tie her up and cast a spell on her to learn who she is working for. She tells them they are with Armitage's investigation society. They leave her tied up and head out from the inn. The other party members rescue her.

They head with some sherpa guides to the monastery. Inside they find a great mi-go spaceship. As they enter the hall the ship attacks with ice mist and lighting weapons. Father Jonas blasts off the lightning gun of the ship with his lightning gun. Outback Jack tosses a stick of dynamite into the cockpit of the ship and kills the mi-go pilot. The monastery begins to fill with icy mist and they abandoned it.

Their guides lead them around the valley of the tcho tcho tribe on the way to shangri-la. They find a yeti's cave and the yeti attacks them. They managed to kill the beast without causing an avalanche in the narrow canyon. Sadie skins the yeti and wears it's hide to protect her from the elements. Sadie's undead form is beaten badly by the yeti. They spend the night in the yeti's cave.

Sadie is standing watch over the cave when she hears noise outside. She investigates along without rousing her friends and sees a tcho tcho chewing on the remains of the yeti. As she turns to return to the cave several tcho tcho drop down from above and tackle her and drag her off. When the party awakens the next morning, they find their two guides have been dragged off to the tcho tcho village as well.

At the village, they find the tcho tcho have tied up one of the sherpas and are cooking the other one. They free the sherpa guide who flees in terror and begin searching the huts one by one for sadie as the tribe begins to encircle them. The tribal elder offers sister agatha a severed arm which she accepts and pretends to eat. Once Outback Jack find sadie and frees her she charges out and kills several tcho tcho. Sister christie and the rest of the party draw their guns and shoot the rest of the tribe. They head towards the caverns where they believe shangri-la is located in the next valley over.

in the first series of caves they find giant stone statues of the Great Race of Yith and a portal that reads "beyond these gates lies the ancient enemy". They decide not to go that way. The second path leads to a great webbed bridge which they also decide to abandon before crossing. The last path leads to a dry series of caves.

In the catacombs they head towards a humid dry valley filled with vegetation. There they find a dinosaur which sister agatha kills with her shotgun. Father henry is attacked by a giant preying mantis, but cuts one of it's talons and it flees. they head to the far side of the valley and find it dead ends. Also they find they are stalked by a large creature moving beyond the treeline. They flee quickly back to the catacombs before finding out what the creature is.

They head another way and find a rope bridge crossing a great chasm. Across the bridge they see two expedition members standing watch as the rest of them are conducting some sort of ritual.

Outback jack tries to sneak across the bridge and fails to surprise the gunmen who shoot him dead on the bridge. One of the guards tries to retrieve jack's body and falls to his doom off the faulty bridge as well. Sadie Benz tries crossing the bridge to engage the last guard and falls through the bridge. She fails to grasp ahold of the crumbling planks but her coat catches hold for a moment, but then she slips out of the yeti skin and plummets to her doom in the raging river below.

Sister Christie and Father Henry take out the remaining guard and blow up the ritual members with dynamite. They resurrect Outback Jack and Toni Lauratzi joins them (he was coming to investigate when they were gone for many days). After resting a day they investigate the ruins of Shangri-la.

They find a stairway leading down and a passageway in the side of the cliff. They take the side passageway into the cliff and find a squat stone structure. Father Henry Jonas feels drawn to the stone building with no apparent doors. As they move away from the building the priest notices that he becomes weaker and weaker. Finally they decide to blow up the building to see what is inside tormenting their friend. A blast of dynamite reveals the great old one Ygolonac, a tall naked headless man with fanged mouths in the palms of his hands. Ygolonac drives sister christy mad and she flails around on the ground then transforms into a deep one and attacks the party. After a desperate battle Ygolonac and Sister Agatha are slain.

Next they head into the stairs and find a treasure vault containing the statue of cthulhu they seek along with a giant statue of the great old one Chaugnar Faugn, who resembled a great elephant man with tentacled ears. Approaching the statue cautiously, it comes to life and grabs Father Jonas. The fathers eyes go dead and he tells the party to abandon him to the creature as he throws the statue to Toni. Toni blasts Chaugnar and the father with a whole clip from his tommygun, kiling the priest but leaving the great old one unharmed. As he turns to flee Chaugnar grabbs toni.

Toni tosses the statue to Outback Jack who flees the temple ruins, leaving Toni a slave to Chaugnar Faugn's dark whims. As he passes back over the bridge he takes out one final expedition guard on the bridge and meets up with herbert west in the catacombs before returning to Kathmandu and the rest of the party. Madeline Rammstein dies from the wasting disease she got from the tcho tcho in Malta, but Herbert West reanimates her and she comes back to live successfully and is not undead.

In calcutta, they find the ship send by Dagon is gone. With sister agatha gone, they have no way to summon him again, so they begin their journey back to Arkham. Now there are only five party members remaining: Herbert West, Regina Cumberton, Outback Jack, Prof. Greyson, Madeline Rammstein. Connell was lost at sea long with the holy grail and excalibur off the shores of malta.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Servants of Dagon

Introduction: "You met up in Rome with Prof. Armitage and he gives you the golden Amulet of Hydra that you found in the Yucatan. He had brought it to show to some friends at the Vatican and now he wants you to return it to the vault in Miskatonic University's special antiquities collection. The Professor heads off to meet the royal family in Romania and discuss your discoveries in Transylvania. Meanwhile, his assistant Randolph Carter heads off to survey the mines you discovered in Visoko.

You all board the ship bound back to the US from a port in Naples. As you head toward Corsica and Spain that evening an ominous wind and high waves begin to thrash the ship just after the Italian coastline disappears into the horizon. After several hours of desperately clinging to the walls and doorways below deck you finally hit something. The ship rolls over onto it's side on some sort of rocky outcropping, moments before it breaks in half and begins to sink beneath the waves.

As you escape the wreckage of the ship in the dark night skies, you see a lighthouse beacon on the horizon. You look around and see your friends sinking and splashing about desperately in the mad waves."

When the party arrives ashore, Madeline has the Amulet of Hydra. Conell is nowhere to be seen along with Outback Jack, who is also missing. As they cough us seawater and stumble ashore in the light of dawn, they see a woman running across the beach pursued by a man and a woman with knives who are trying to attack her.

They defend the woman with the baby and Herbert West's energy field burns the woman attacking with the knife and she dies. The woman with the child runs to the beach and throws her baby into the sea. Madeline dives in after the child, but seems to see it swimming away from her deeper into the ocean. She loses the baby behind some coral. They tie up the other man with the knife along with the mother in a nearby home.

In the backyard herbert west digs a shallow grave and dumps the body. Then he retrieves one of his syringes of re-animator fluid and brings her back to life. Her body is badly burned and while restrained she still gasps horribly and flails around in agony. Herbert West uses his shovel to put the undead beast out of its misery.

Heading into town they spy some docks. There they meet some fishermen but few speak any language they know. They find some golden statues among some crates on the docks and steal some of them. The also see great scratches and bite marks from some large sea creature on the dock. Finally they find a sailor who speaks french and he tells them to go to the main square and find Dr. Matsya.

in the main square they see a scaffold with a bell on it. A deep ocean pool with some sort of crab statue with a diamond in its claws submerged in it. A squat temple structure and the mansion belonging to Dr. Matsya.

In the home Dr. Matsya's butler, maid and wife welcome the party. They tell them about the shipwreck and are invited to stay as long as they wish until they find their way home. Mrs Matsya insists that they must stay for diner and makes living arrangements in the servants quarters.

While in the cellar selecting wine they notice that there is a heavy metal door in the basement. They inquire and the butler tells them its the insane son of Dr. and Mrs. Matsya and that it would be impolite to mention as its a sore subject.

Regina follows the butler into the kitchen and finds a great crab creature in a pot. She helps the butler subdue it so it can be cooked for dinner.

Madeline learns from the maid that there are several pygmie natives called Tcho-Tcho's living in the Dr's home and that they are trying to civilize them, treating them as children. Herbert West explores the library and learns about the expeditions of Dr. Matsya through his writings.

At dinner later in the evening they are told Dr. Matsya is ill and cannot attend. The tcho tchos arrive and exhibit terrible table manners. One of them throws a bone at Sadie, who reacts violently drawing her pistol. Mrs. Matsya insists they leave, but the party apologizes and she lets them stay though Sadie and Prof. Greyson go to stay with the priest in the temple near the square for the night so as not to cause further offense.

After dinner, regina goes to investigate the basement again. Sister Christy goes to take a nap, Madeline goes with Mrs. Matsya to put the tcho'tcho's back in their rooms and herbert west treats the bite he received from one of the natives he tried to examine after dinner.

All hell breaks lose. A shambling horde of townsfolk, half fish, half man hybrid beings shuffle into the town square and surround the church and the mansion clamoring toward the doors. Sadie runs across the square diving through a window and capping a townsfolk on the way. The mob flows through the broken window into the home.

Downstairs Regina awakens the mad son in the basement and he breaks through his door. He snaps the neck of the maid and chases Regina into the main hall. She tries to run outside but sees the mob and barricades the door. The butler begins to wrestle with her to reopen it so the townsfolk can enter. Herbert West using his power field to blast the insane hulking son of dr. matsya, a green muscular monstrosity with arms covered in bulging veins.

Madeline comes with Mrs. Matsya to the study where she meets Dr. Matsya, a terrible looking being with tentacles coming out of his body and a deformed face. She tries to flee but Mrs. Matsya tries to restrain her. A fight ensues and Madeline kills Mrs. Matsya. The tcho-tchos become angry and cast some spells at her.

Meanwhile Sadie and Regina fight off the horde in the lobby, shooting and hacking away at them. Sister Cristy awakens to find that Dr. Matsya is calling to her and mysteriousy claims to be her brother. She sees his terrible shape and is alarmed. He casts a spell that fills her lungs with water and carries her away. Herbert West grabs a molotov cocktail he has constructed and follows after them.

When christy begins to drown she finds she has gills and begins barfing up the water again. Dr. Matsya drops her and attack west but is driven back by his energy field. West drops the molotov in the ballroom and sets the house on fire. He takes christy in a dreamlike state to one of the rooms where she will be safe and he charges downstairs.

Prof. Greyson was restrained by the priest who used a spell to crush his heart and cripple him so the mob could tie him up, but he used his wither spell to free himself by killing the priest and retieved his tommygun so he could gun the remaining townsfolk outside down. One surviving cultist rang the bell on scaffold outside. Not waiting to see what was awakened, the prof. retreats inside to join the survivors in the main hall.

A moment later the large statue looking crab monster crashes through the main door. Herbert west and Prof. Lawrence dispatch the creature after a short battle. The horrible thing slumps to the floor. Herbert West resurrects Sadie and Regina but their hearts don't restart so they are now undead.

They head back to the house on the beach but find that the mother and the man who was chasing her are both gone. They head in the other direction to the lighthouse. There they find the lighthouse keeper is a friendly deep one hybrid who was the father of the child who was thrown into the sea earlier. He tells them that all their questions can be answered in the sea cave of Ghar Dalam which can be accessed at low tide further down the beach.

They go to the cave and find it is full of deep ones, including a massive Deep One named Dagon. He demands the amulet of Hydra from them which Madeline gives willingly. He offers them gold and the Maltese Falcon, a jeweled statue containing a map to Shangri-La in the Himalyas.

He tells them that Nyarlathotep is his nemesis, and he wishes for them to mount an expedition to Shangri-La to retrieve an artifact, an idol of Cthulhu, for him. He gives the party spells to summon Deep Ones and Dagon himself if they need them and he gives them a crew and ship to take them to India. The party accepts his offer.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Dark Crystals Beneath the Pyramids of Visoko

last game ended with an exploration of Castle Dracula in Brasov, Transylvania. The investigators found evidence that the Migo moth men were mining there and the front company for the mining operation was run by Prince Hotep, a human looking avatar of the outer god Nyarlathotep (the same being you encountered on the expedition to the tomb of Nephren-Ka in Egypt).

Back in Rome, you wired Professor Armitage who is traveling to Europe to speak with the Romanian Royal Family about the happenings in Brasov. While in Brasov, you uncovered information indicating that the Migo will begin mining on Halloween (about one week from now) in the town of Visoko, Yugoslavia. Visoko is noted for it's giant pyramid-shaped earthen hills. Fearing the Migo may destroy the people of Visoko as they did the townspeople of Jenning, the Professor has asked you to travel ahead and investigate the mining site. He's traveling by ship and is worried he won't be able to make it there before the Migo hatch whatever they have planned.

Back in Rome, Sadie Benz has made a recovery at the asylum (though she is still troubled by her past experiences). Madeline Ramstein and Sister Agatha have both been committed. A partisan named Connell from Ireland joins them as a favor to Armitage.

The party arrives in Visoko. They talk to the locals and find them unhelpful when they mention the pyramids nearby. They travel on a dirt road to the fields near the smallest pyramid and find a sign on a fence that says there are mines in the field. A crackling silver orb on a pole rises up from the ground and attacks them with lighting when they approach a nearby tunnel. They blast off the top of the orb and icy mist begins to pour out of the device. They get into the truck and rush off.

As they are fleeing, three migo with armor and lightning guns and three byakee attack the truck. They defend themselves and take out all but one of the migo who flees. As the cold mist clears they return to the tunnel.

Down below they find several robots piloted by human brains. They destroy the robots and the brains inside. Two pinkerton goons with migo brains in them attack with tommyguns. They take them out. The goons are guarding a train and warehouse that leads to the larger pyramid.

They take the train to a series of mines. There they find dozens of byakee eggs and a small cthonian which they destroy. They also find large polished panes of black crystal are being mined. They seem to distort the passage of time when looked through.

They find a migo mining vehicle damaged by a dead cthonion. A large live cthonion rises up and attacks, crushing lord janedyce under its weight when he guns it down. Toni goes crazy and runs off, later gunning down Dr. Smithy when he comes to help him. Smith and Janedyce are resurrected.

Dr. Smithy leaves the party and is attacked by a large Frankenstein monster. He's crushed beneath some rubble and dies again. The rest of the party takes out the monster after a desperate battle and the ceiling collapses on the beast, crushing it to death. They dig out smithy's remains and resurrect him again.

They explore a great chamber where the crystals are being forged into giant hexagonal panes 50' across. They break the crystal forge with dynamite and explore another passage with a giant obsidian door. They knock on the door and it opens. They hear buzzing on the other side, but choose not to go down that way.

They check out the opposite end of the mines and find a prison. Inside are several other mythos creatures that have been experimented on or imprisoned by the migo. The party destroys all of them save a local village who escapes down a long passage.

They follow the villager down the passage where they begin to hear a terrible howling. They see the true form of Nyarlathotep. Toni goes mad, tries to kill the party unsuccessfully in desparation, believing they are monsters, and then flees. Outback jack tackles toni as he uses his genie lamp to wish for a way out and sanity. They both appear in Rome.

Dr. Smithy goes mad and begins to pray at the feet of Nyarlathotep, who assumes human form. Connel shoots him in the head with his rifle to save him from his fate. Lord Janedice pretends to pray to Prince Hotep, but then tries to stab him with Excalibur, but fails. He returns to his horrific giant form and dismembers the nobleman with his claws.

They see two hounds of tindalos in the corner chewing apart the villager. Connel and Prof. Greyson toss dynamite at Nyarlathotep, injuring him badly. Father Jonas uses the lighting gun as well, further injuring him. Nyarlathotep rips Father Jonas to ribbons then begins to crawl down the narrow tunnel after Connel and Greyson.

They drop dynamite behind them in the passage blasting his form to small bits. As he flies away he transforms into a new horrible winged shape and flies off past them down the hall, tiring of the fight. They feel relieved that he has been conquered but unsettled that he will fight another day. Retrieving excalibur and Father Jonas' remains they destroy as much as they can with dynamite and flee the complex, returning to the party in Rome where Armitage and Randolph Carter who congratulate them on a job well done. The priest is resurrected, but there's nothing left of Dr. Smithy or Lord Janedyce to bring back to life.

Survivors: Toni, Greyson, Outback Jack, Connel, Father Jonas
Dead: Dr Smithy, Lord Janedyce

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tommyguns in Transylvania

Castle Bran is set to be handed over to the Royal Family of Romania from the city of Brasov on Dec 1st of 1920. The Castle was run by the Forestry Administration until 1918, at which point they mysteriously decided to turn it back over the city. Everyone keeps playing hot potato with the castle and no one seems to know why. The Royal Family gave Mr. Prescott's Company authorization to inspect the lands for mining rights. Armitage and Carter want the party to see what he's up to there.

Herbert West meets with the party members in Rome, sent by Armitage and Carter. It was West who investigated Jenning and found that the town had been destroyed by extensive strip mining after the inhabitants were frozen to death.

The adventure begins on October 3rd, 1920 (four weeks until halloween). The trip from Rome to Brasov is four days drive. The party rents a truck. Dr. Smithy, Sister Agatha, and Herbert West ride in the front while Madeline rides in the back of the truck.

They are waived through customs at the Slovenian border without trouble. In Hungary, Madeline charms the guards into letting them across the border without trouble. As they enter Romania they bribe the guards to let them through with their weapons and other strange gear (they had taken an interested in Herbert West's glowing re-animation fluid).

On the mountain road in carpatians, they first pass a gypsie caravan on the narrow mountain road, then later something large and hairy jumps out in front of car and Smithy drives them off the road. They pay the gypsies to help them get their truck back on the road and help the gypsies ride into town. As the sun sets they hear a wolf howling in the distance.

When they arrive in town they come to an inn. The innkeeper is convinced that madeline is a gypsie because she was riding in the back of the truck with some gypsies they drove for helping them. She is forbidden to enter the inn. Smithy helps her climb in the back window of the building. Later she disguises herself as a nun with one of Sister Agatha's habits and goes down to talk to some locals who speak German.

Madeline finds that the city has been plagued by disappearances and mutilations, including a gypsies woman who was attacked just recently. They find the local constable and he suggests they go to the local doctors office during the night and investigate further. He says that he will leave the door unlocked for them.

They rise early the next day and go to the doctors office. They find that the body had an arm removed with surgical precision and blood was drained from two puncture marks in the neck. They find the location of the encampment where the body was found in the local records they also see that the last person admitted to the body was struck by lightning.

At the gypsie camp that was abandoned after the woman was attacked they find a lone wagon has been ransacked and stripped of valuables. Wolf prints surround the area and it looks like the roof was torn from the wagon. There is no blood inside.

They talk to the gypsies at the girls funeral and find that they were attacked by giant blackbird creatures the size of a man. Also they speak with the constable and he says there have been reports of giant moths. The constable gives them a tommygun.

They head toward the castle and see they can enter by the graveyard or by the front gate. They check out the graveyard first and see most of the graves have been opened and their contents chewed on. They also find a squat tomb building below ground. They etch and elder sign above the entrance then open the tomb. Inside they see three humanoid figures with pointed ears and fangs. One is reading and the other two appear to be lounging.

Sister Agatha's eyes roll into the back of her head as she sees horrible visions of the dreamlands and the creatures dancing around there. The other party members open fire on the creatures killing them. Sister Agatha recovers.

They find one of the monsters was trying to escape into an open crypt and find a passage towards the castle there. The passage opens up in the tomb of Vlad Teppes, the historical and legendary figure of Dracula. Dracula's remains appear to be a mere pile of bones in the crypt. They explore further and find a room with a strange giant metallic cube suspended over a shaft by a pulley system. They also find a wine cellar and make some molotov cocktails.

As they head upstairs they see a couple of guards armed with tommyguns. Sister Agatha tries to sneak up on them but they turn and open fire. She kills one before she herself is gunned down. The rest of the party takes out the guards. Herbert West tries to re-animate Sister Agatha but the process drives her made, her spirit trapped in visions of the dreamlands like those she saw earlier. Outback Jack, an adventurer who was with Herbert West in Jenning arrives through the main gate, drawn by the sound of gunfire. He was delayed on his journey to Europe from Arkham.

They head upstairs and find a lab where strange experiments are taking place. A doctor is grafting body parts including the dead woman's missing arm to a cadaver and they have removed the brain and put it in a Mi-Go cannister. Outback Jack impales the doctor with his fetch stick and he bleeds to death slowly. They examine the lab's contents but find no other clues.

They head upstairs to the tower structure above the lab and find two metallic pylons decorated in skulls with a swirling vortex of bluish energy between them. Smithy uses his view gate spell and sees an alien landscape on the other side of the gate with two Mi-Go approaching. They open fire on one of the pylons with a tommygun, destroying it as one of the Mi-Go moves through. The creature is cut in half as the gate collapses. It flops around oozing fluid everywhere then expires.

They head up some stairs to the top watch tower and hear a buzzing and clicking on the roof unlike any they're heard thus far. Herbert West has a rope tied around his waist and tries to climb up on top of the roof to get a look at the buzzing. He slips and falls over the side railing. The sound of his fall draws a great black bird/bat creature that swoops down and bits him with it's beak, latching onto him. Outback Jack stabs the creature with his fetch stick and it dies, still holding onto Wests body.

The party pulls on the rope with a great heave and gets Herbert over the rail where they manage to pry the beasts beak off of him, sending its corpse falling to the ground. Two more of the bird/bat creatures swoop down along with a Mi-Go to attack them. They dispatch the two blackbird creatures then retreat back inside the tower just as the Mi-Go opens fire with a great blast from its lightning gun. Outback Jack steps into the electrical storm brazenly and tosses a molotov cocktail at the Mi-Go setting it on fire and sending it spiraling to its death on the courtyard stones below.

They find a hall with a library off the tower room below and inside is Prince Hotep, the man they saw in the desert with the hyenas during the last adventure. They ask him why he is taking their resources and he replies because he can. He says they can join him in his enterprise if they wish to serve him. They refuse and set him on fire. With a gesture he extinguishes the flames unharmed. He calls two alien dog-like creatures that step out of transdimensional portals in the corners of the room and attack, flying across the library towards them.

With tommyguns running dangerously low on ammo they defeat the creatures just as Prince Hotep is fleeing down a secret passage behind a bookshelf. They find paperwork showing the mining operation in Jenning and also suggesting that a similar operation is set to begin on October 31st, four weeks from now in the city of Visoko in Yugoslavia. It also shows that the current operations here in Brasov have not yet begun.

They learn that the great metal cubes are mining machines that draw materials up through the soil for extraction. There are two more of the devices in the trucks outside. The party decides to drop one of the devices into the pit to sabotage it and to take the other two with them.

As they leave the castle a great earthquake starts and both trucks run off the road. Herbert West escapes from his truck as it sinks into the earth. Outback Jack Madeline, and Sister Agatha drive away the car without trouble. Smithy's truck sinks into the earth and he cannot escape. He dies deep in the bowels of the earth.

The party excavates for Smithy's truck which takes about a week. They find the holy grail and his body which Herbert West Re-Animates but the mining device from the truck has sunk deeper into the earth below, never to be found again.

Herbert West takes Sister Agatha and Madeline back to Rome to join Sadie in the Asylum. Madeline cannot speak coherently, but appears to be convinced that she's a character in some sort of game. She also screams madly whenever they try to remove the habit she borrowed from Sister Agatha.

The party sends a wire to Armitage in Bucharest who instructs that they should head to Visoko immediately to stop the mining operations from beginning there. He says he's on his way personally to offer help, but fears he will be unable to make it in time. Visoko is in grave danger and the whole town could perish if they fail to act.

Survivors: Dr. Herbert West, Outback Jack, Dr. Smithy
Sent to Asylum: Madeline Rammstein, Sister Christy Agatha